If you’ve been reading The Night Surfers from the beginning, Silica needs no introduction. At any rate, I’ve added a short blurb about her in the “Cast” Section of the page for those who might need a little catch-up.
Lily got an Instagram!

Hey all you Instagram-ers! Lily just got an Instagram, so you should follow her to see what she takes pics of when she’s not busy fighting Sandrones!
Her username is “Lily_is_Alluring,” and she’ll try to update when she can, but saving the world does tend to get in the way…
Her updates are gonna play catch-up for a while, but the goal is to eventually have them coincide with the timeline of the currently uploaded comic!
“Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core / Tangled” Fan Art

I’ve been meaning to do fanart of this for a while, so I finally bit down and did it! Entitled “Tangled in Midgar,” it features characters from the “Final Fantasy VII” universe in a “Tangled”-esque setting.
Check it out at my personal DA account.